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    Galina, 35 y.o.
    Russia,Nizhniy Novgorod

    Я благодарю создателей этого замечательнейшего сайта. Удаляю анкету потому,что сегодня вышла замуж .И хоть нашла мужа не на вашем сайте,но это только потому что сюда попала позднее.А мужа встретила через интернет и счастлива.И всем желаю верить и искать именно счастье!
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    Evgeniya, 34 y.o.

    Уважаемые менеджеры сайта,большое вам спасибо за вашу работу! Я нашла свое счастье на вашем сайте,и если можно,удалите пожалуйста мою анкету. С ув.к вам Яцун Евгения.
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    ahmed, 36 y.o.
    Saudi Arabia,Jeddah

    i find my soulmate thank you for everything i will recommend your good site nice one.
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    Rick, 52 y.o.
    Canada,Red Deer

    I commend your site. It is the best. Security measures are tops. I would not hesitate to recommend it to anybody. The members are well-screened and very appealing. Congratulations. I am leaving because I have found somebody. Thank You.
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    alan, 55 y.o.

    thank you very much for finding the women of my dreams, i am meeting her in 2 weeks, we are so much in love, and i thank you for this. I will tell anybody to look at this site to find real love,
  • kubik, 24 y.o.
    Slovakia, Prievidza

    i really like this website.......i like making new friends....
  • 07.09.09
    I must tell you that this web site is the best International dating site I have ever seen, very well done! I have participated in many sites and most all others are only a bunch of scammers but I have talked to some very real and sincere woman here. You have so many feature, the photo contest, chat, messaging, postcards, gifts, video, and on and on.......I am very impressed!
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    Valentina, 71 y.o.

    Огромное спасибо вашему Сайту. Я нашла много друзей, с которыми сейчас переписываюсь. Нашла и друга, с которым, возможно, мы будем жить вместе. Ваш сайт очень удобен, прост и я желаю Вам успехов в дальнейшей работе.
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    Larisa, 50 y.o.

    Спасибо за Ваш сайт . Все было очень профессионально.
    Хочу удалить свою анкету , потому что нашла мужчину , с которым хочу построить серьезные отношения.
    Спасибо еще раз.
  • 14.07.09
    This is one of the best dating sites I've seen. Two to three months ago I frequented several sites, most were based in the USA. The majority of those sites are loaded with scammers and criminals pretending to be beautiful women that wish to marry. I came upon by accident. I wasn't looking for companionship/marriage with a woman from another country but, as I began to speak with them, I realized their attitudes were very different from American women. That is refreshing! The women I have talked to on your website seem to be a step above the others. The same is true of the website itself.
    Thank You!
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    Lyudmila, 50 y.o.

    Спасибо администрации сайта за помощь в поисках партнера.
    В настоящее время я встретила мужчину своей мечты и больше не нуждаюсь в услугах сайта.
    Всего вам наилучшего!
  • avatar

    Yanina, 37 y.o.

    Я встретила того,кого искала и больше в услугах агенства не нуждаюсь.Но я обязательно расскажу всем своим подругам о вас.Спасибо,что делаете людей счастливыми!!!
  • avatar

    Marina, 29 y.o.

    Спасибо у вас замечательный сайт, мне посчастливилось найти то что я искала.Спасибо вам за то что вы делаете.Вы действительно помагаете людям найти, то что они ищут!!!Удачи вам в вашей работе!!!!
  • avatar

    Ben, 33 y.o.

    I have met someone. I love the site, keep up the good work.
  • 10.05.09
    I must tell you that this web site is the best International dating site I have ever seen, very well done! I have participated in many sites and most all others are only a bunch of scammers but I have talked to some very real and sincere woman here. You have so many feature, the photo contest, chat, messaging, postcards, gifts, video, and on and on.......I am very impressed!
  • avatar

    Irina, 27 y.o.

    Спасибо Вам большое за то, что я смогла быть на Вашем просто замечательном сайте!Я нашла своего человека и поэтому удоляю свою анкету.Всего доброго Вам!
  • avatar

    Oscar, 37 y.o.
    USA,White Plains, NY

    I found your website very useful and I was contacted by 120 women. Of all these women, only 5 were possibly interested in me but nothing serious to about meeting or engaging in a relationship. I thank you and your staff for everything. Specially the manager who replied back regarding possible women who could be scammers. Of the Russian dating websites, this is the only one I found most of the women were serious about starting relationship. Thank you.
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    Elena, 38 y.o.

    Спасибо,что вы даете людям живущим так далеко друг от друга,шанс на встречу!От всего серца желаем удачи!
  • jason, 40 y.o.
    United Kingdom, Other

    i've been comparing various services and this certainly the best by far.the website is offers a lot and free from all those annoying bugs that have you redoing the same things over fact,its one the best websites in general that i've ever used.
  • Engaged

    aniello, 65 y.o.

    Dear Irina,
    it is about one year I entered in this site.It has been a joyful time for me.I have known different women who helped me to approach, to understand and to appreciate Russian mentality and north-eastern culture ...Surfing the internet of your site I have build some interesting relations of friendship(.and sometimes a little more!).I must thank my counsellor Irina,who has been close to me in some perplexity moments with her kind suggestions and her wise advices..The psychological test has made the rest...So now,at last I have found what I was searching for ...My true love..She is not only my ideal soulmate...she is not only the woman I like to merry and live with..She is my real love,hidden beneath the snow of Smolensk...After a long and deep correspondence we have met each other in Italy 2 times and we have realized to be born one for the other ...
    My wonderful girlfriend Luba (the Latin said: nomen omen"in a name there is a prophecyi") is a charming lady with magnificent blue eyes..She has entered in my life like an angel... We are planning to live together and to build a new family..
    Thank you again...!!!.Tomorrow we shall delete from the site..Now there are no reasons more to remain there, even if you have been a nice and lovely family.
    Many wishes for your useful and well-deserving job!
    To you,dear Irina my best regards....and a friendly kiss....
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